Viewer-Komponente für X-Ways Forensics
Die externe
Dateibetrachtungskomponente kann nahtlos integriert werden und ermöglicht es,
hunderte Dateiformate (wie
zum Beispiel MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Access/Works/Outlook, HTML, PDF, CorelDraw,
StarOffice, OpenOffice, ... s.u.) direkt in
X-Ways Forensics auf besonders bequeme Art und Weise einzusehen und
zu drucken. Dieses gehört zum Lieferumfang von X-Ways Forensics für alle
Inhaber von forensischen Lizenzen ab v12.05. Bitte
fragen Sie Ihren Lizenzstatus ab
um die Download-Anweisungen zu erhalten, sofern Sie Zugang zu Updates
haben. Alle Besitzer älterer Lizenzen, aber auch privater,
professioneller oder Specialist-Lizenzen für WinHex können
auf X-Ways Forensics upgraden,
wenn sie an diesem Modul
interessiert sind.
Die Komponente kann entweder den
gesamten verfügbaren Platz auf dem Bildschirm ausnutzen oder im
Vorschau-Modus benutzt werden (s. Abbildung).
Adobe PDF-Dokument:

MS Excel-Dokument:

Die folgende Liste wird nicht
auf dem neuen Stand gehalten. Neuerungen der vergangenen Jahre
finden Sie in den Ankündigungen
hier !
Die folgenden Dateitypen werden unterstützt:
Raster Image
CALS Raster (GP4) Type I
CALS Raster (GP4) Type II
Computer Graphics Metafile ANSI,
Computer Graphics Metafile CALS
Computer Graphics Metafile NIST
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) TIFF header Only
GEM Image (Bitmap)
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
IBM Graphics Data Format (GDF) 1.0
IBM Picture Interchange Format 1.0
JBIG2 Graphic Embeddings
in PDF
JFIF (JPEG not in TIFF format)
JPEG 2000 JP2
Kodak Flash Pix
Kodak Photo CD 1.0
Lotus PIC
Lotus Snapshot
Macintosh PICT BMP only
Macintosh PICT2 BMP only
Microsoft Windows Bitmap
Microsoft Windows Cursor
Microsoft Windows Icon
OS/2 Bitmap
OS/2 Warp Bitmap
Paint Shop Pro (Win32 only) 5.0
Paint Shop Pro (Win32 only) 6.0
PC Paintbrush (PCX)
PC Paintbrush DCX (multi-page PCX)
Portable Bitmap (PBM)
Portable Graymap PGM
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
Portable Pixmap (PPM)
Progressive JPEG
StarOffice Draw 6.x
StarOffice Draw 7.x
StarOffice Draw 8.0
Sun Raster
TIFF Group 5
TIFF Group 6
TIFF CCITT Fax Group 3
TIFF CCITT Fax Group 4
TruVision TGA (Targa) 2.0
WBMP wireless graphics format
Word Perfect Graphics 1.0
Word Perfect Graphics 2.0
Word Perfect Graphics 7.0
Word Perfect Graphics 8.0
Word Perfect Graphics 9.0
Word Perfect Graphics 10.0
X-Windows Bitmap x10 compatible
X-Windows Dump x10 compatible
X-Windows Pixmap x10 compatible
Vector Image
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 4.0
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 5.0
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 5.5
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 6.0
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 7.0
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 9.0
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 1 1 (Creative Suite 1)
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 12 (Creative Suite 2)
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 12.01 (Creative Suite 2)
Adobe Illustrator (XMP only) 13 (Creative Suite 3)
Adobe InDesign (XMP only) 3.0 (Creative Suite 1)
Adobe InDesign (XMP only) 4.0 (Creative Suite 2)
Adobe InDesign (XMP only) 5.0 (Creative Suite 3)
Adobe InDesign Interchange (XMP only)
Adobe PDF 1.0 (Acrobat 1)
Adobe PDF 1.1 (Acrobat 2)
Adobe PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3)
Adobe PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4)
Adobe PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5)
Adobe PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6)
Adobe PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7)
Adobe Photoshop (XMP only) 8.0 (Creative Suite 1)
Adobe Photoshop (XMP only) 9.0 (Creative Suite 2)
Adobe Photoshop (XMP only) 9.0.2 (Creative Suite 2)
Adobe Photoshop (XMP only) 10.0 (Creative Suite 3)
Adobe Photoshop Version 4
Ami Draw SDW
AutoCAD Drawing 2.5
AutoCAD Drawing 2.6
AutoCAD Drawing 9.0
AutoCAD Drawing 10.0
AutoCAD Drawing 11.0
AutoCAD Drawing 12.0
AutoCAD Drawing 13.0
AutoCAD Drawing 14.0
AutoCAD Drawing 2000i
AutoCAD Drawing 2002
AutoCAD Drawing 2004
AutoCAD Drawing 2005
AutoCAD Drawing 2006
AutoCAD Drawing 2007
AutoShade Rendering 2.0
Corel Draw 2.0
Corel Draw 3.0
Corel Draw 4.0
Corel Draw 5.0
Corel Draw 6.0
Corel Draw 7.0
Corel Draw 8.0
Corel Draw 9.0
Corel Draw Clipart 5.0
Corel Draw Clipart 7.0
Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
Escher graphics
FrameMaker Vector and Raster
Graphics (FMV) 3.0
FrameMaker Vector and Raster
Graphics (FMV) 4.0
FrameMaker Vector and Raster
Graphics (FMV) 5.0
Gem File (Vector)
Harvard Graphics Chart DOS 2.0
Harvard Graphics Chart DOS 3.0
Harvard Graphics for Windows
HP Graphics Language 2.0
IGES Drawing 5.1
IGES Drawing 5.2
IGES Drawing 5.3
Micrografx Designer through 3.1
Micrografx Designer Version 6
Micrografx Draw through 3.1
Novell PerfectWorks Draw 2.0
OpenOffice Draw 1.1
OpenOffice Draw 2.0
OS/2 PM Metafile 3.0
Visio (Page Preview mode only WMF/EMF) 4
Visio 5.0
Visio 2000
Visio 2002
Visio 2003
Windows Metafile
Enable Spreadsheet 3.0
Enable Spreadsheet 4.0
Enable Spreadsheet 4.5
First Choice SS 1.0
First Choice SS 3.0
Framework SS 3.0
Lotus 1-2-3 1.0
Lotus 1-2-3 2.0
Lotus 1-2-3 3.0
Lotus 1-2-3 4.0
Lotus 1-2-3 5.0
Lotus 1-2-3 SmartSuite 97
Lotus 1-2-3 SmartSuite Millennium
Lotus 1-2-3 SmartSuite Millennium 9.6
Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (DOS and Windows) 1.0
Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (DOS and Windows) 2.0
Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (DOS and Windows) 3.0
Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (DOS and Windows) 4.0
Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (DOS and Windows) 5.0
Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2 2.0
Microsoft Excel Charts 2.x Chart
Microsoft Excel Charts 3.0 Chart
Microsoft Excel Charts 4.0 Chart
Microsoft Excel Charts 5.0 Chart
Microsoft Excel Charts 7.0 Chart
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 98
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2001
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2004
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh v.X
Microsoft Excel for Windows 2.x
Microsoft Excel for Windows 3.0
Microsoft Excel for Windows 4.0
Microsoft Excel for Windows 5.0
Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 (7.0)
Microsoft Excel for Windows 97 (8.0)
Microsoft Excel for Windows 2000
Microsoft Excel for Windows 2002 (XP)
Microsoft Excel for Windows 2003
Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007
Microsoft Excel for Windows (File ID only) 2007 Binary
Microsoft Works SS for DOS 2.0
Microsoft Works SS for Macintosh 2.0
Microsoft Works SS for Windows 3.0
Microsoft Works SS for Windows 4.0
Multiplan 4.0
Novell PerfectWorks Spreadsheet 2.0
OpenOffice Calc 1.1
OpenOffice Calc 2.0
PFS: Plan 1.0
Quattro for DOS 1.0
Quattro for DOS 2.0
Quattro for DOS 3.0
Quattro for DOS 4.0
Quattro for DOS 5.0
QuattroPro for Windows 1.0
QuattroPro for Windows 5.0
QuattroPro for Windows 6.0
QuattroPro for Windows 7.0
QuattroPro for Windows 8.0
QuattroPro for Windows 9.0
QuattroPro for Windows 10.0
QuattroPro for Windows 11.0
QuattroPro for Windows 12.0
QuattroPro for Windows X3
Smart Ware Spreadsheet
SmartWare II SS 1.02
StarOffice Calc 5.2
StarOffice Calc 6.x
StarOffice Calc 7.x
StarOffice Calc 8.0
SuperCalc 5.0
Symphony 1.0
Symphony 1.1
Symphony 2.0
VP-Planner 1.0
Text & Markup
ANSI Text 7 bit
ANSI Text 8 bit
ASCII Text 7 bit
ASCII Text 8 bit
DOS character set
HTML 1.0
HTML 2.0
HTML 3.2
Macintosh character set
Rich Text Format (RTF)
Unicode Text 3.0
Unicode Text 4.0
XML (text only)
Word Processing
Adobe FrameMaker (MIF only) 3.0
Adobe FrameMaker (MIF only) 4.0
Adobe FrameMaker (MIF only) 5.0
Adobe FrameMaker (MIF only) 5.5
Adobe FrameMaker (MIF only) 6.0
Adobe Illustrator Postscript Level 2
Ami Pro for OS2
Ami Pro for Windows 2.0
Ami Pro for Windows 3.0
DEC DX 1.0
DEC DX 2.0
DEC DX 3.0
DEC DX 3.1
DEC DX 4.0
DEC DX Plus 4.0
DEC DX Plus 4.1
Enable Word Processor 3.0
Enable Word Processor 4.0
Enable Word Processor 4.5
First Choice WP 1.0
First Choice WP 3.0
Framework WP 3.0
Hangul 97
Hangul 2002
Hangul 2005
Hangul 2007
IBM DisplayWrite 2.0
IBM DisplayWrite 3.0
IBM DisplayWrite 4.0
IBM DisplayWrite 5.0
IBM Writing Assistant 1.01
Ichitaro 5.0
Ichitaro 6.0
Ichitaro 8.0
Ichitaro 9.0
Ichitaro 10.0
Ichitaro 11.0
Ichitaro 12.0
Ichitaro 13.0
Ichitaro 2004
JustWrite 1.0
JustWrite 2.0
JustWrite 3.0
Legacy 1.1
Lotus Manuscript 1.0
Lotus Manuscript 2.0
Lotus WordPro 9.7
Lotus WordPro 96
Lotus WordPro 97
Lotus WordPro 97 - non Win32
Lotus WordPro SmartSuite Millennium
Lotus WordPro SmartSuite Millennium 9.6
Lotus WordPro non Win32 SmartSuite Millennium 9.6
Lotus WordPro non Win32 SmartSuite Millennium
MacWrite II 1.1
Mass 11 through 8.0
Microsoft Word for DOS 4.0
Microsoft Word for DOS 5.0
Microsoft Word for DOS 5.5
Microsoft Word for DOS 6.0
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 4.0
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 5.0
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 6.0
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 98
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 2001
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 2002
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 2004
Microsoft Word for Macintosh v.X
Microsoft Word for Windows 1.0
Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0
Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0
Microsoft Word for Windows 95 (7.0)
Microsoft Word for Windows 97 (8.0)
Microsoft Word for Windows 2000
Microsoft Word for Windows 2003
Microsoft Word for Windows 2007
Microsoft Word for Windows 2002 (XP)
Microsoft Word for Windows 98-J
Microsoft WordPad
Microsoft Works WP for DOS 2.0
Microsoft Works WP for Macintosh 2.0
Microsoft Works WP for Windows 3.0
Microsoft Works WP for Windows 4.0
Microsoft Write for Windows 1.0
Microsoft Write for Windows 2.0
Microsoft Write for Windows 3.0
MultiMate 3.6
MultiMate 4.0
MultiMate Advantage 2.0
Navy DIF
Nota Bene 3.0
Novell PerfectWorks Word Processor 2.0
OfficeWriter 4.0
OfficeWriter 5.0
OfficeWriter 6.0
OpenOffice Writer 1.1
OpenOffice Writer 2.0
PC File Doc 5.0
PFS: Write A
PFS: Write B
Professional Write for DOS 1.0
Professional Write for DOS 2.0
Professional Write Plus for Windows 1.0
Q&A Write 2.0
Q&A Write 3.0
Samna Word IV 1.0
Samna Word IV 2.0
Samna Word IV 3.0
Samna Word IV+
Signature 1.0
SmartWare II WP 1.02
Sprint 1.0
StarOffice Writer (text only) 5.2
StarOffice Writer 6.x
StarOffice Writer 7.x
StarOffice Writer 8.0
Total Word 1.2
Volkswriter 3.0
Volkswriter 4.0
Wang IWP through 2.6
WordMarc Composer
WordMarc Composer+
WordMarc Word Processor
WordPerfect for DOS 4.2
WordPerfect for Macintosh 1.0
WordPerfect for Macintosh 2.0
WordPerfect for Macintosh 2.1
WordPerfect for Macintosh 2.2
WordPerfect for Macintosh 3.0
WordPerfect for Macintosh 3.1
WordPerfect for Windows 5.1
WordPerfect for Windows 5.2
WordPerfect for Windows 6.0
WordPerfect for Windows 7.0
WordPerfect for Windows 8.0
WordPerfect for Windows 9.0
WordPerfect for Windows 10.0
WordPerfect for Windows 11.0
WordPerfect for Windows 12.0
WordPerfect for Windows X3
Wordstar 2000 for DOS 1.0
Wordstar 2000 for DOS 2.0
Wordstar 2000 for DOS 3.0
Wordstar for DOS 3.0
Wordstar for DOS 4.0
Wordstar for DOS 5.0
Wordstar for DOS 6.0
Wordstar for DOS 7.0
Wordstar for Windows 1.0
XyWrite I
XyWrite II
XyWrite II+
XyWrite III
XyWrite III+
Encoded mail messages EML
Encoded mail messages MHT
Encoded mail messages Multi Part Alternative
Encoded mail messages Multi Part Digest
Encoded mail messages Multi Part Mixed
Encoded mail messages Multi Part News Group
Encoded mail messages Multi Part Signed
Encoded mail messages TNEF
Microsoft Outlook Forms Template (OFT) 97
Microsoft Outlook Forms Template (OFT) 2000
Microsoft Outlook Forms Template (OFT) 2002
Microsoft Outlook Forms Template (OFT) 2003
Microsoft Outlook (MSG) 97
Microsoft Outlook (MSG) 200
Microsoft Outlook (MSG) 2002
Microsoft Outlook (MSG) 2003
Microsoft Outlook (MSG) 2007
Microsoft Outlook OST
Microsoft Outlook PST 97
Microsoft Outlook PST 98
Microsoft Outlook PST 2000
Microsoft Outlook PST 2001 Mac
Microsoft Outlook PST 2002
Microsoft Outlook PST 2003
Corel Presentations 6.0
Corel Presentations 7.0
Corel Presentations 8.0
Corel Presentations 9.0
Corel Presentations 10.0
Corel Presentations 11.0
Corel Presentations 12.0
Corel Presentations X3
Harvard Graphics Presentation DOS 3.0
Lotus Freelance 1.0
Lotus Freelance 2.0
Lotus Freelance SmartSuite Millennium
Lotus Freelance SmartSuite Millennium 9.6
Lotus Freelance for OS/2 1.0
Lotus Freelance for OS/2 2.0
Lotus Freelance for Windows 95 96
Lotus Freelance for Windows 95 97
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 4.0
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 98
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 2001
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 2004
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh v.X
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 3.0
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 4.0
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 95 (7.0)
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 97 (8.0)
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 2000
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 2002 (XP)
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 2003
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 2007
Novell Presentations 3.0
Novell Presentations 7.0
OpenOffice Impress 1.1
OpenOffice Impress 2.0
StarOffice Impress (text only) 5.2
StarOffice Impress 6.x
StarOffice Impress 7.x
StarOffice Impress 8.0
WordPerfect Presentations
LZA Self Extracting Compress
LZH Compress
Microsoft Office Binder 95
Microsoft Office Binder 97
RAR 1.5
RAR 2.0
RAR 2.9
Self-extracting .exe
UNIX Compress
UNIX tar
Zip PKZip
Zip WinZip
Flash (text extraction only) 6.x
Flash (text extraction only) 7.x
Flash (text extraction only) Lite
Microsoft Project (text only) 98
Microsoft Project (text only) 2000
Microsoft Project (text only) 2002
Microsoft Project (text only) 2003
Microsoft Windows DLL
Microsoft Windows Executable
vCalendar 2.1
vCard 2.1
Wireless Markup Language
Yahoo! Messenger 6.X
Yahoo! Messenger 7.X
Yahoo! Messenger 8.0
New since v8.3.2:
* IBM Lotus Symphony 1.2 (Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets)
* Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) support
* PDF 1.7 support (except PDF Packages and PDF Portfolios)
* IBM Lotus Notes DXL support
* Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 "read-only" files supported
* SmartArt supported as created by Microsoft Office 2007 SP2
Maximal unterstützte Dateigröße: 2 GB
Outside In? Viewer Technology ? 1991-2008 Stellent Chicago, Inc.
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auf dem neuen Stand gehalten. Neuerungen der vergangenen Jahre
finden Sie in den Ankündigungen
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